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Family AccidentalInsurance

Ready to help you

Why Family Accident Insurance?

Life is unsure and unfathomable. Mishaps and uneventful occurrences never ring an admonition chime they strike. Street setbacks, mishaps have gone up immensely and the casualties alongside their families endure the results of the such heartbreaking circumstance. Disturbing measurements report around 1214 street related passing that happen in India consistently; this ought to be an eye opener on the hazards an individual is uncovered every day.

While minor mishaps can cause impermanent obstacles, significant ones can prompt inability forever or even death. With the end goal of giving certain alleviation, insurance agencies have concocted different strategies that fill in as obvious lifelines when met with a shocking condition.

Complete health protection for your family against expensive treatment costs

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Advantages of Family Accident Policy:-

Allow yourself a moment to consider what will befall your wards in the event that you were crippled in light of a mishap? There will be no month to month salary, no money inflows however costs will keep on rising. In such case, a mishap protection strategy will assist you with managing these costs.

Extra points of interest are:

Generous inclusion offered with low premium

Twofold reimbursement for incapacity for disasters happened while going out in the open vehicle

Simple case process

Exceptionally tweaked arrangement accessible

Overall inclusion

Can be purchased for individual and family

Youngster training advantage

No prerequisite of clinical tests and documentation

What does the policy cover?

Accidental Death
Accidental death coverage gives compensation on the policyholder’s death caused by bodily injury resulting out of an accident. The nominee will receive entire sum assured offered by the insurer.
Permanent or Total Disability
If the accident causes permanent or total disability, then 100% of the sum insured is payable to the policyholder.
Accidental Dismemberment
If policyholder’s body part has been dismembered or severed in the accident then the person can claim the sum insured.
Additional Benefits
Funeral expenses can be claimed in case of accidental death. Expenses incurred for transportation of policyholder’s dead body from the accident spot to the residence place is covered.
Daily Hospitalization Expenses
Monetary relief offered to the patient on daily basis on hospitalization.
A certain amount of the policy sum is payable, when an accident results in hospitalization & the victim is being treated for burn injuries.
Some policies may offer bonuses to the dependent kids of the policyholder. This becomes helpful in case of the death of the policyholder or extension of treatment period.

Some Facts Of The Grim Picture Of Road Related Incidents:

  • About 50 % of road mishaps are of motorized vehicles, cyclists & pedestrians
  • Its reported that more than 50 million people are injured in road accidents & most of these accidents result in permanent or temporary disability
  • As per a report from WHO (World Health Organization), road related accidents cause over 1.24 million fatalities worldwide with over 90% occurring in low & middle income countries
  • According to other reports, road accidents are to become 5th leading cause of death worldwide by 2030
  • India witnesses around 145000 road accidents in a year. That makes about 207 deaths per 100000 vehiclesme 5th leading cause of death worldwide by 2030
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